Saturday, July 30, 2011

Portland Zoo

We thought we'd take our first outing to Portland and decided on the Zoo. Grandpa Dan and Grandma Janis were in town so it was lots of fun. Griff got to try out crayons for the first time - he wasn't sure what they were really good for except to try to eat...YUCK!!!
He loved the petting zoo portion and thought he was hot stuff on this horsey.
He wanted to drive the John Deere all by himself but thank goodness Grandpa Dan was there to help.
We got to see a bear playing, he was so big and still only a young bear.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Griff's Teeth

I have been trying to catch a glimpse of Griff's teeth - he is up to 8. But he is sneaky and whenever I try to snap a photo he covers the top row....AJ was able to get a great smile using one of his favorite props (a hat) as a decoy.

I am hoping the top two start to migrate together, there's some space in there now for sure.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Midway Fun

We got to spend the week in Midway with Grandma Ilene the aunties and cousins.
What would a vacation be without feeding the baby a chocolate covered sugar cookie - which he loved as you can see.

The cousins thought it was funny to pile up on Auntie Shelby and tickle her. She did pretty good to out wrestle them.
Then it was off to feed the goats which was almost a daily highlight. They loved dog biscuits.
Griff wasn't so sure about sticking his hand anywhere close to there mouths.

And of course they loved the loft where they could all look down to see what was going on in the living room. What a treat to have the cousins together - Griff was in heaven playing with all of them. After we left he would wake up and look around for the cousins, I think he was disappointed when he realized he was stuck with just mommy.

Mr Griff thought it was so funny to hang over his legs, and he thought he was such a big boy to stand up there by himself.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Visiting Salt Lake

We had lots of fun getting a chance to see the family.
Griff and Adeline got to sneak into a Tee Pee up in Midway.

The Boy's - Griff, AJ & Kalen hanging out in Midway, it was so much fun for Griff to see his cousins.

Park City with Pop-Pop, Grandma Lori, Bellah, Randie and her friend Kristen.
We got to ride the Horse Carousel and the flying rockets.....and Bellah was such a big girl riding the Alpine Slide.
Yeah, we got to go to lunch with Ms Heidi and Kobe!!! It was so great to see them and catch up. We miss them lots and lots.
Bellah loved hanging out with Griff, she was such a great helper!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacationing in Florence - Ingram Style

There is so much to do in Florence, OR and we had a chance to try a bunch of it out.
Of course the boys loved the sand dunes...but we also got to ride in go carts with cousins Madesyn and Kyla. Griff wanted to ride but is a bit too young.
Then off to Honeyman park where we spent the day Sand Boarding...Yep that's Griff in a backback on daddy going down the sand hill and LOVING IT!!! Is he born to ride?

I guess anything that moves is COOL for Griff because he loved being tot'd around the campground in the backpack while daddy rode the BMX. He kept patting Shannon's back and laughing.

Then off to the pool with Grandpa, Daddy and the cousins. He loves the water and thought he was hot stuff swimming around in the pool.

After all that he was one tired little boy - I could barely get the buckles snapped in the carseat before he was out like a light.